The 33rd Season: Summer 2025
General Information 2025
Dates of the season: July 20th -August 22nd 2025 (First session: July 20th - August 8th. Second session: August 3rd - August 22nd.)
Application Procedure
Prospective participants are asked to fill out the application form.
The cost of participation is $1850 per 3 week season or $2900 for five weeks (It is also possible to participate for 2 weeks.).
The sum must be paid in one of the following ways, no later than May 1st:
1) By bank transfer: Please contact us for the details of paying by this method. This is the preferred payment method.
2) By credit card: Please send us by email your credit card information (name of card holder, number of card, expiration date).
Please note: Cheques, Money transfers or Travelers Checks are not accepted. You may contact us for any questions or problems.
In addition, participants should bring with them to Israel a modest amount to cover personal expenses and additional travel before and after the dig. All major credit cards are respected in Israel, and it is possible to draw cash in ATMs and cash in travelers' checks.
All correspondence regarding payment or any other questions can be made to Debby Sandhaus:
Email: hazor.excavations@mail.huji.ac.il
In the event of cancellation of participation, the following refund policy will apply:
1) Cancellations effective before April 30th will receive full refund (not including a nonrefundable $100 registration fee).
2) Cancellations effective after April 30th but before June 1 will receive a refund of 50% of their payment.
3) Cancellations effective after June 1, 2024 will not be refunded.
This refund policy is in effect since we order and pay for services according to pre-planned numbers of participants. Thus, we must have sufficient prior notice of cancellations so that we are not charged for these services. All cancellations must be done by email and must receive a written confirmation before they are effective.
The expedition will be staying at the Kibutz Kfar Blum to the north of Tel Hazor: All the rooms are equipped with air-conditioning, TV and a kitchenette. The kibbutz is located on the banks of the Jordan River. Kfar Blum also has a swimming pool, basketball courts, a large supermarket, a coffee shop, as well as a pub. Free wifi is available throughout the compound
How to get there:
From Ben-Gurion Airport:
Take the train to Rakevet Tel-Aviv Ha-Shalom station (2 stops)
(two options: r the train from Naharia to Modiin or the train from Hertzlia to Jerusalem)
Walk to Azrieli Mall/Menahem Begin Road and take bus 845 to Kiryat Shemona. Get off the bus at Ko’ah Junction (ask the driver to stop there, it should take approx. 1 hour and 20 minutes). Wait for bus 34 to Tel Hay and get off at Kfar Blum stop (2 stations) or bus 32 to Tel Hay and get off at Kfar Blum intersection (1 station). Walk inside the Kibbutz and follow the attached mat to the hostel (be aware that there is also a Hotel in the Kibbutz, follow the map attached)
​From Tel Aviv:
Take bus 845 from the Central Bus station. Get off the bus at Ko’ah Junction (ask the driver to stop there, it should take approx. 1 hour and 20 minutes). Wait for bus 34 to Tel Hai and get off at Kfar Blum stop (2 stations) or bus 32 to Tel Hay and get off at Kfar Blum intersection (1 station). Walk inside the Kibbutz and follow the attached mat to the hostel (be aware that there is also a Hotel in the Kibbutz, follow the map attached)
We highly recommend to use moovit application
Work at the site is from 5:00 a.m. to 13:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. On the last week of the season, work is from Sunday to Thursday. On weekends participants may stay at the holiday village and relax or travel on their own. Weekend tours are not provided by the expedition. A series of lectures during the week will provide introductory training in field archaeology and the interpretation of finds. Academic credits are available through the Rothberg School for Overseas Students at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Daily Schedule: Work will proceed according to the following schedule, Monday through Friday :
4:15 Wake-up
4:45 Bus leaves for site
5:00 Work begins
7:00 Coffee and tea break
9:30 Breakfast
10:00 Work resumes
13:00 End of field work and pottery washing
14:00 Lunch – main meal (back at the kibbutz)
15:00 Siesta, relaxation
17:00 Pottery reading (for those interested).
19:00 Lectures – as announced
19:30 Supper
21:00 Suggested bed-time.
Weather in Israel: Mornings and evenings are cooler (15-20 centigrades) while days are hot (25-35 centigrades) and usually rather dry. Some days can be somewhat humid, but it seldom rains during the summer.
You will find your colleagues to be mature persons who are sensitive to the needs of others and committed to the project’s success. If everyone conducts herself or himself in this manner, the staff will not intervene in one’s personal affairs or habits. The surest sign of maturity and commitment is a ready response to the alarm clock (which gets to be more difficult as the season goes on…) Since you are expected to wake up at at 4:00 a.m. it is best to go to sleep by 21:00 on work nights, to nap during the mid-day rest period, and to catch extra sleep on weekends. Fatigue has a cumulative effect!
The project operates with few rules and regulations. Serious misconduct or irresponsibility which endangers others could result in dismissal from the excavations (Gladly – this has never happened in over ten years of operation of our previous project , nor in the previous 30 seasons of the Hazor excavations).
The program is rewarding but demanding. The hours are long and the sun hot and bright. No one should apply who lacks the energy and enthusiasm to profit from three or six intense weeks of hard work and enjoyment.
Recommended Personal Needs
Work Clothing: for the field, two changes.
Bring things which are sturdy, light in weight and color, and easy to launder. Since the sun is very intense, you may need to wear long sleeves and pants until you get used to the conditions. Remember that loose clothing is more comfortable than tight, and that synthetic fibers tend to get hot.
Work Shoes: Should be sturdy and comfortable, provided with solid traction soles for protection and footing on rocks. Sneakers are not recommended (at work) and sandals are not suitable at all: You may drop a stone on your foot! Closed work shoes are mandatory for working on the tel (you will not be allowed to work without them).
Casual Clothing: For afternoons and weekends. One moderately dressy outfit is in order, but keep in mind that dress in Israel is informal.
Sun hat or head covering: you will not be permitted in the field without it!
Work gloves: essential even for those with the toughest hands. The gloves should be sturdy but flexible. You will probably go through two pairs. These with leather palms and ventilated backs are ideal.
Bathing suit and towels
Sweater and/or windbreaker
Toilet items (American brands or equivalent are available in Israel, but are more expensive).
Medical needs: Sun screen, moisturizing cream, chap-stick, eye drops, basic first-aid kit, and a season’s supply of special medication. Again, American brands are available but are more expensive.
Bathrobe and shower clogs, small mirror, cloth line and clothespins
Liquid detergent in a plastic bottle, small canteen: We provide water in the field, but you might find a small canteen useful, especially on weekends.
​​​Academic Credit
Students may arrange to receive academic credit (undergraduate or graduate level) through the Rothberg International School. These credit points can be transferred to the student’s home institution. The cost is 120$for the application fee and 120$ for 1 academic credit point, each equals 1 week of participation (students can get up to 6 credit points for the whole season). These sums are paid directly to the Rothberg International School in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Students opting to receive academic credit should state their intent upon registration, and the instructions for application to the credit program will be sent by mail, together with a confirmation of their acceptance to the dig